I’m Just Saying by Austin Rhodes: It ain’t paranoia if they really are out to get you
Trump was right.
He was right on fracking. He was right on “building that wall.” He was right on China’s culpability on the Wuhan Flu (COVID 19). He was right on Roe vs. Wade (and Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed with him). He was right on getting our NATO allies to pay up. And he was particularly right when he said, “Mainstream media and the ‘deep state’ are colluding against me… and you (his supporters).”
You can add social media to the list as well. Mark Zuckerberg felt so strongly about his knowledge of the collusion that he decided to cop to the accusation this week in an official letter to Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. The founder and primary owner of Facebook, known these days as Meta, expressed regret over the willingness of the social media giant to submit to the Biden administration’s pressure to censor certain pandemic content in 2021, much of it clearly stated as opinion, and the vast majority of that from the Right.
“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree,” Zuckerberg wrote.
“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret we were not more outspoken about it,” he wrote. “I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”
You don’t say.
Of course, Zuck had already explained in several high-profile interviews that FBI officials contacted his people to warn against spreading certain “Russian disinformation” about President Biden and his family that was, they said, “nothing more than propaganda.”
The BBC reported on his interview with podcaster Joe Rogan in August 2022: “Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.”
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine. Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks.”
“When we take down something that we’re not supposed to, that’s the worst…” Zuckerberg admitted. One detail that we now know, the FBI and CIA (in 2019 those were “Trump’s people”, mind you) knew all along that Hunter’s laptop was the real deal, and withheld that information until well after the 2020 election. The U.S. House Intelligence Committee verified and maintains, there was collusion to lie about the evidence.
They said as much in their own report earlier this Summer: “The House Intelligence Committee’s work provided us with solid direct evidence that in the final weeks before the 2020 presidential election, 51 former intelligence officials coordinated with the Biden campaign to falsely cast doubt on an explosive New York Post story and label Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop as ‘Russian disinformation’,” said Chairman Mike Turner. “The Committee worked to obtain classified documents from the CIA, including emails, and fought to include evidence of these materials in our report.”
“We knew that the rushed statement from the 51 former intelligence officials was a political maneuver between the Biden campaign and the intelligence community,” said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “Now with this interim report, we reveal how officials at the highest levels of the CIA were aware of the statement and CIA employees knew that several of the so-called former officials were on active contract with the CIA. The report underscores the risks posed by a weaponized federal government.”
Lies that mattered. Conspiracies that worked. Deep state agents that subverted justice, free speech, and the truth in real time. Trump was right.