Hunter Biden pardon should be precursor for President-elect Donald Trump
I’m Just Saying by Austin Rhodes
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“Your Honor it all started when he hit me back.”
So many controversies and public outrages over the last 50 years could carry that quote of unknown origin as a headline. It most definitely applies to the discussion of the unconditional (and unprecedented) presidential pardon for First Son Hunter Biden.
“Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter,” President Joe Biden proclaimed in his only public statement concerning the matter. “From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.”
Treated differently. Selective prosecution.
Have we heard someone else using that same argument recently?
Someone who faces more than 100 years in prison for failing to properly disclose a completely legal payout, in a completely legal agreement, over a completely legal event that is absolutely 100% free of violence or thievery of any kind. An event that is, by the way, none of the public’s business.
Perhaps that same someone was ordered to pay millions in damages over a he-said-she-said sexual assault allegation from almost 30 years ago- an allegation that only was made public three years after the accused was elected President of the United States.
Was that someone ordered by a Judge to pay more than 400 million dollars in penalties over discrepancies in private business documents that none of the involved parties complained about or reported concerns over in any way, shape, or form? All debts owed were paid in full, all business agreements honored completely, and all parties were responsible for their own level of due diligence from the beginning.
The case was the first of its kind in the history of this country, and it was pushed by a prosecutor who ran for office on the promise of “getting the guy.”
Former and future President Donald Trump – of course – is that guy. He is the all-time poster child for “treated differently” political prosecutions in American history.
All three of the above-mentioned court cases are taking place in Manhattan, a political subdivision that voted against Trump in three successive elections 4-to-1. Two different juries have been seated from this district, which is known for its hatred of the man in question. In the third case, a politically left-leaning judge whose daughter has been on the payroll of prominent Democrats is overseeing the case.
No wonder President Biden is afraid for his son, if partisan prosecutors can use the legal system to dump such piles of legal nonsense into these hideously weak cases. Just think what they could do to a guy that was actually guilty, charged in cases of clear bad behavior – Hunter Biden’s gun charge – and massive theft – willful income tax evasion to the tune of millions of dollars.
That’s Joe’s boy. Of course he is going to give him a pardon. Nobody with common sense (or a heart) would do differently for their own flesh and blood. Never mind that such indulgence over decades of idiotic behavior clearly turned him into the man that he is today. Blood is thicker than water, and most Americans agree they would grant the same absolution in their own child’s moment of need.
But there is no need to lie about it, and Joe did just that. In fact, his public proclamation got it all exactly backwards: Hunter wasn’t prosecuted because he was Joe’s son, no, Hunter got away with these crimes, and likely many more, because he was Joe’s son.
The FBI sat on serious evaluation and investigation of so very much through the years. There is no greater example of that than Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell.”
They had the laptop in their possession in 2019 and fully authenticated it in about 15 minutes. Hundreds of messages in that laptop showed Hunter was shaking down numerous foreign agents for untold millions, all while sending a large chunk of the proceeds to “the Big Guy” – Hunter’s words, not mine. The FBI allowed that same laptop to be falsely “likely Russian propaganda” by 50 top intelligence “experts” – many of them on the Bureau’s payroll.
The 50 experts, mainstream media, and Joe Biden himself were all fabulously wrong about that laptop, and Trump was right. He was rebuked, cajoled, and shamed repeatedly for daring to bring it up, and he was right.
The FBI knew it. The FBI sat quietly. The FBI was in on it.
That’s election interference, obstruction of justice, and dereliction of duty.
Look at the Deep State pulling off the hat trick.
The physical removal of every Federal law enforcement officer who was in on that scheme needs to be a day one priority after Attorney General Select Pam Bondi takes office.
If President Biden is genuinely concerned about selective political prosecutions, he should put his pen where his mouth is. He should pardon the former/future President the way he did Hunter. He should call for the immediate cancelation, withdrawal, and reversals in the state cases against the man, which collectively comprise the worst “lawfare” campaign in American history.
That is not an opinion. That is now a known historical fact.