Letter to the Editor – Austin Rhodes’s consolidation ideas not forward thinking
Dear Augusta Today Editor,
This letter is in response to the article by Austin Rhodes captioned, ‘How incorporation could ‘save’ conservative Columbia County.’ Obviously, Columbia County elected officials already know the pros and cons and have decided not to incorporate because Austin’s view of conservative is not worth saving.
Unlike Rhodes, elected officials cannot afford to be racially biased, narrow minded, or self-serving, but must do what is in the best interests of all the people. It would be unwise to use incorporation as a legislative border wall to keep out “affordable housing developments” liberals, Kamala Harris voters, or anyone whom Austin Rhodes deems as undesirable.
The majority of Columbia County residents do not share in the Old South antebellum mindset. Fortunately, forward thinking Columbia County elected officials have decided not to use incorporation in the same way past predominantly white homeowner associations used discriminatory bylaws to prevent nonwhites from moving into the neighborhood.
Austin Rhodes must accept Columbia County is not going back.
Kevin Palmer
Evans, Georgia